
History and Evolution of the Facelift

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A woman enjoying her facelift results and smooth contours.Facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy, has had over 110 years of technological advancements and transformation.

This has contributed greatly to its place as one of the leading plastic surgery procedures in 2018, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

A facelift can rejuvenate your face by repositioning the deeper tissues, removing excess facial skin, and tightening the remaining skin for a smoother appearance. 

Over the years, plastic surgeons and scientists have developed different methods of performing the facelift to reach optimal results.

When Was the First Facelift Performed?

The first facelift in history was performed in 1901, nearly 120 years ago. 

Eugene von Hollander is credited with performing the first facelift in Berlin, Germany, on a Polish aristocrat. 

Eugene made elliptical skin excisions in natural skin folds near the hairline and ear. The popularity of the facelift gained more traction after World War I when many people were seeking reconstructive surgery to address their battle wounds and scars.

More surgeons, money circulation, and anesthesia advancements also contributed to the rise in facelift popularity. 

The subcutaneous facelift, also known as the skin only facelift, was performed by making small incisions near the hairline in local skin creases and was the most popular facelift method used until the 1960s.

How Has the Facelift Surgery Evolutionized?

Over each decade, monumental changes were made that helped revolutionize the facelift and boost its credibility in the plastic surgery sphere.

In the 1960s, surgeons began addressing the main premise of modern facelift surgery: targeting and repositioning the deeper tissues for aesthetic purposes. 

The importance of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) was discovered, which focused on the deep tissue layer suspension method.

The SMAS is made of the platysma muscle, parotid fascia, and fibromuscular layer covering the cheek. This development by a group of scientists played a large role in developing the modern facelift technique we commonly use now.

What Facelift Techniques Are Available Today?

The facelift technique is continuously progressing as new developments are introduced. Modern techniques involve combining temporal hairline incisions that curve around the ear and ends in the scalp area.

Dr. Khoury offers the mini, standard, and full facelift technique. The medical advancements in the last century have allowed the facelift procedure to be more efficient with a smoother recovery period and less extensive risks. Moreover, Dr. Khoury offers energy assisted facelifts to speed up the recovery. This involves utilizing an ultrasound device known as VASER® to assist in certain parts of the procedure. This allows for minimal postoperative swelling and bruising.  

The right technique for you will be decided during your consultation with Dr. Khoury. He will assess your facial anatomy and find a suitable technique that will best fit your needs.

Have More Questions About the Facelift Technique?

If you want to learn more about your facelift options, call our office at (720) 475-8400 or fill out our online contact form.

Rejuvenate Your Skin With a Facelift

The facial appearance is one of the most noticeable attributes of a person. As the aging process begins, skin starts to lose its natural firmness, which often results in wrinkles, creases, fine lines, and sagging skin. These signs of aging can cause embarrassment and can be frustrating to deal with. Unfortunately, facial creams to combat wrinkles and tighten skin do not provide lasting, effective results. To address these areas of concern, you can undergo facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy, to correct troublesome baggy skin and relaxed muscles in the mid and lower face.

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Benefits of a Facelift

Undergoing a facelift can:

  • Reduce wrinkles
  • Eliminate hanging, loose skin
  • Tighten muscles
  • Provide a youthful appearance
  • Boost confidence

Is a Facelift Right for Me?

Ideal candidates for a facelift should identify with having bothersome wrinkles on the lower face, chin, and jawline. Maintaining overall good health and realistic expectations can aid in your decision to undergo facelift surgery. During your consultation prior to your procedure, discuss your medical history, any medications you are currently taking, any concerns or trouble areas, and what look you would like to achieve with Dr. Khoury to ensure that you reach your desired results. Some surgeons may recommend avoiding tobacco products to assist in the healing process.


Every facelift is designed to eliminate specific, targeted issues and is customized to achieve your individual goals. For every facelift, there are various approaches and techniques to provide youthful results. Discussing your sedation preferences with Dr. Khoury during your consultation is important. Most patients prefer using general anesthesia, but other options are available for sedation.

Mini Facelift

This facelift method is executed to treat early, mild signs of aging. Limited incisions are made in front of the ear for virtually undetectable scarring. Folds are softened, and recovery usually takes about five to seven days.

Standard Facelift

For a standard facelift, incisions are made around the ears and are strategically placed in the hairline to conceal any scarring. Deep creases and skin relaxation are addressed, and the healing process typically takes between seven and 10 days.

Full Facelift

Also referred to as a deep plane facelift, this procedure is similar to the standard facelift and includes the midline of the face to manage concerns in the cheek area for a more extended facelift.


This technique utilizes laser or ultrasound technology for a minimally intrusive, impressively accurate approach to correcting signs of aging. Recovery time is much quicker, and side effects are minimized.

Ideal Results

All incisions will be closed with surgical sutures that may dissolve or require removal after six to eight days. In some cases, surgical skin adhesive is used to help seal incisions and promote healing. After a full recuperation, your incision lines are hidden by your hair or the natural contours of your face and ears. Skin is pulled taut, lines and wrinkles are significantly reduced, and a youthful appearance is restored.

Some patients opt for combining their facelift with other procedures, such as a neck lift, to tighten neck banding (loose muscles on the neck) and achieve optimal results.


If your face is exhibiting signs of aging, contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Khoury by calling (720) 475-8400.

Facelift Recovery Guide

The skin and facial tissue on the face and neck inevitably begin to weaken and sag throughout the natural aging process, which leads to undesirable wrinkles and creases. Restoring a youthful appearance is possible by undergoing a cosmetic procedure known as a facelift. Facial rejuvenation through facelift surgery is a safe, routine process that, with proper care, can provide instant satisfaction after surgery. Anyone seeking facelift surgery might feel overwhelmed by the procedure and recovery process, but adhering to specific instructions directly after surgery will ensure a rapid recovery as well as a desired, beautiful result.

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How to Reduce Swelling and Bruising

Recovery and discomfort level will vary for each patient, but there are some general guidelines everyone should consider. Your physician will provide a detailed document with instructions for self-care during your healing process, including directions to properly care for incisions and drainage. These post-operative instructions are designed to ease discomfort and expedite recovery, so observing each step is highly recommended. Immediately after your procedure, it is recommended that you maintain a very light, minimal schedule without physical exertion. Minimizing activities will ensure that your body adequately heals without setbacks. Having an assistant, for a short period of time, complete general daily tasks for you will further support your recovery process.

In some cases, a small drainage tube will be inserted behind the ear to collect excess fluids; these are usually in for less than 24 hours and are not bothersome. Your physician may prescribe oral medications to alleviate pain during the first week, as necessary. Keep the head elevated and stable, and avoid excessive movement as much as possible. During the week following your surgery, you can anticipate mild swelling, mild bruising, numbness, and possible skin discoloration, which typically subsides within a week or two. The results of your procedure will become more evident in the following month’s post surgery. Following these guidelines will ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of infection. The youthful appearance, tighter skin on the face and neck, and improved self-confidence following a facelift procedure far outweigh the temporary symptoms included in your recovery time.

What to Avoid During Your Recovery

Avoiding the activities listed below will aid in your recovery process:

  • Vigorous exercise
  • Housework or cooking
  • Sexual activities
  • Alcohol or smoking
  • Saunas or steam rooms

When to Expect a Full Recovery

After a full facelift procedure, most patients return to work after 10 days, while others may take up to three weeks to feel fully healed. Due to Dr. Khoury’s Ultrasound VASER® technique, the recovery is much quicker. This is possible due to his preference of local anesthesia versus invasive anesthesia settings. Rest and minimal activity are highly recommended for the best results, regardless of which facelift method you’ve undergone.

How to Make Your Facelift Results Last

Wrinkles, loose skin, and sagging facial tissue on the face change the way skin appears, which for some is distressing and embarrassing. After deciding to undergo a facelift procedure, your desired smoother, tighter skin and boosted self-esteem can become a reality. This procedure rejuvenates facial appearance and provides younger-looking skin, but the aging process can continue to create new wrinkles and lines on the face. To keep your facelift results, it will require skin care regimens to maintain your youthful appearance. Preserving your facelift results can be accomplished by following the tips listed below.    


Establish a Routine

With some changes in your daily beauty routine, you can maintain youthful skin and dramatic results. Cultivating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet will help skin heal and appear radiant. Vitamins  A, B, C, and E are all rejuvenating for your body and will enhance the appearance of your skin. Additional non-surgical treatments may also be used to maintain your results.

What to Avoid

There are plenty of things we do every day that seem natural and normal to our routine, and we don’t even think about the harm it might be doing to our skin and facial appearance. Some advice for preserving your facelift results include:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure, and wear sun protection of 30 SPF or higher as much as possible. UV rays from the sun cause wrinkles and skin discoloration, which promotes the aging process.
  • You should not wear makeup until adequate time has passed, at least 10 days after your facelift surgery.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of water as your body can get dehydrated quickly. Hydrated skin appears quenched and radiant.
  • Quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake. These two habits can cause facial lines and promote aging skin.
  • Remove makeup before going to sleep. Leaving any lasting makeup residue on your skin can clog your pores and will not allow your skin to breathe and regenerate properly.
  • Remain active and implement workout routines into your weekly schedule. Maintaining a healthy weight will assist in your overall glow.
  • Keep stress at a manageable level. If your stress level peaks, try techniques to calm down, such as yoga, reading, walking, meditating, or anything that helps you reach a peaceful state.

Dr. Khoury can provide additional recommendations for maintaining your facelift results, including any skin care products or non-surgical treatments that will benefit your skin.     

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As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Khoury contributes expertise, finesse, and compassion to provide the best results. Schedule your consultation today by calling (720) 475-8400 to discuss what procedures can benefit you.

The Final Touch to Your Facelift

The facelift is a popular facial procedure because it addresses several cosmetic issues simultaneously. Patients who choose this treatment can enjoy a more youthful lower face and smile with confidence. However, the beauty of the facelift is that other procedures can be combined with it to create even more stunning results. Adding a neck lift can complement a facelift beautifully and offer a complete facial rejuvenation.

Shoulders and neck of a beautiful young woman

Neck Lift

A neck lift is usually performed in conjunction with a facelift to achieve optimal results. The neck is sometimes neglected when someone considers facial rejuvenation, but it is vital that the youthfulness of the face matches it to produce the most pleasing aesthetic.


Recovery from a neck lift with a facelift is relatively short. Patients can expect a 10 to 14-day recovery, which would be the same with or without the neck lift. The benefits of adding a neck lift to facelift surgery do not lengthen recovery time.

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Am I a Candidate?

Ideal candidates for neck lift surgery can relate to any of the following concerns:

  • Sagging neck skin
  • Muscle banding or “turkey neck”
  • Heavy or full-looking neck

For more information about neck lift surgery, neck liposuction, or facial rejuvenation, please contact Dr. Khoury’s office at 720.475.8400.

Which Facelift Is Right for Me?

The first signs of aging begin on the face. While we cannot completely stop the march of time, we can minimize its visible effects on us. Many patients turn to facelift procedures to regain their youthful looks. There are many options to choose from when looking for a facelift procedure, and it can be hard to decide which is best for you. However, a little bit of knowledge during a consultation with your doctor will help you achieve the look you desire.

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While a mini-lift has a more limited scope than a standard facelift, it may be a good choice if you are a younger patient looking to address early signs of aging such as loose skin, loss of definition in the jawline, and deep folds in the face. A mini-lift is performed using small incisions in front of the ear to address the supporting muscles in the lower face (SMAS muscle group). It can be done as an outpatient procedure, and recovery is relatively quick. Most patients can resume their public life in five to seven days. A mini-lift can also be combined with procedures such as a mid facelift, neck tightening procedure (platysmaplasty), or liposculpting.

Standard Facelift

A standard facelift is the most common type of facelift procedure and can address most age-related concerns (with a few exceptions). If you have more advanced signs of aging, such as deep creases or a double chin, caused by loose muscle, skin, and excess fat, then a standard facelift may be the solution for you. Standard facelift surgery also addresses the Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System (SMAS) muscle group and can be performed under sedation, local anesthesia, or general anesthesia. Incisions are well-concealed in the hairline and behind the ears. Daily activities can be resumed after about seven to 10 days. Standard facelift surgery can be combined with platysmaplasty to address “turkey neck” or liposculpting under the chin. Neither of these procedures adds to the recovery time.

Full Facelift

Also known as a deep plane facelift, this procedure addresses the same issues as a standard facelift as well as issues in the mid face, especially the cheeks. The incisions used are the same as a standard facelift, but the muscle groups are treated differently. Recovery is longer (usually 10 to 14 days), and the surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. New advances allow for these to be done under local with a quicker recovery. A neck tightening procedure is generally performed in conjunction with a full facelift.


Smartlifting™ is a minimally invasive method of rejuvenating the face. It can be done using either a Smartlipo™ laser or VASER® ultrasound technology. Both options can be used as a non-surgical solution or in conjunction with another facelift procedure. These technologies can result in reduced trauma to the treatment sites and help to ease recovery. When used as a non-surgical solution, Smartlifting™ can be performed in as little as one hour. Laser- or ultrasound-assisted surgeries may take a little longer, but less time than a general surgical facelift. Smartlifting™ can also help make your recovery easier by reducing the amount of bruising and swelling caused by surgery. Utilizing Smartlifting™ allows for a quick recovery for a deep plane facelift.

Many factors go into your decision to undergo facelift surgery, and Dr. Khoury can help make that choice easier.

If you are ready for your face to reflect your youthful spirit, contact Dr. Khoury at (720) 475-8400 to schedule your consultation today.

Smartlifting™ vs. Facelift Procedures

Beautiful WomanMany patients come to a consultation at our Denver practice with the idea that a traditional facelift will meet all their needs. While this is likely true, they are often happy to discover that Smartlifting™ is an excellent alternative that will give them the results they desire along with a shorter recovery time and several added benefits. Here is how the two procedures compare.

Facelift Procedures

Facelift procedures will correct just about all aging concerns of the mid and lower face; they improve or completely remove facial wrinkles around the mouth, define the jawline, and improve the appearance of the neck. Facelift surgery is usually performed with general anesthetic.

  • The mini facelift involves limited incisions in front of the ear. Recovery is generally five to seven days.
  • The standard facelift requires incisions that go around the ears and extend into the hairline. Recovery is generally seven to 10 days.
  • The full facelift (also called the deep plane facelift) uses the same incisions as the standard facelift but extends to correct the deeper layers of the facial tissue. Recovery is generally 10 to 14 days.


Smartlifting™ provides results that are similar—and in some cases even better—than a traditional facelift.

Less Invasive

While a traditional facelift uses surgical tools to manipulate facial tissue and skin, Smartlifting™ uses a laser beneath the skin to tighten and improve the underlying structures. It also requires smaller incisions than with a traditional facelift, which contributes to a much shorter recovery time.

Uses Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is typically used during Smartlifting™, which increases patient safety. A traditional facelift alone is accompanied by the risks of surgery in addition to the risks of general anesthesia. A traditional facelift can also take up to five hours to complete, while surgery time with Smartlifting™ is much shorter.

Less Swelling and Bruising

Because of the less invasive technique of Smartlifting™, there is less swelling and bruising after surgery. Most patients feel comfortable appearing in public just a few days after treatment, compared to at least 10 days of recovery with a traditional surgical facelift.


The laser-assisted Smartlifting™ procedure will provide the most dramatic results, but even less invasive options are available with this technique. Laser Facial Sculpting™ with Smartlifting™ involves very small incisions that are not more than one centimeter in length. Heat from the laser along with liposuction on select areas of the face provide the overall result. The laser is also applied to the outer layers of the skin to further skin tightening and improve the quality of the skin.

Patients can choose a slightly more effective treatment with an UltraMiniLift™, which is a mini facelift with assistance from the Smartlifting™ laser. It requires a very short incision and can be performed in under an hour with local anesthetic.

Dr. Khoury is one of the few surgeons routinely offering the Smartlifting™ technique in the United States and teaches courses to other surgeons on how to perform this procedure. To discover the customized treatment that will meet your needs, schedule a consultation with Dr. Khoury by calling (720) 475-8400. You may also fill out our contact form at your convenience.

Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

Cosmetic eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, will take years off of one’s appearance and provide an overall refreshed look to the face. The procedure can be performed on either the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, and it is a popular choice for both men and women.

Eyelid Surgery Before and After Photos

Many patients want to improve the areas around their eyes but are unsure if this particular procedure is ideal for the results they desire. Since no two patients are alike, the best assessment will be determined during a face-to-face complimentary consultation with Dr. Khoury. To start, here are a few ways to determine if eyelid surgery may be the right choice for you.

Can You Relate?

Sagging Upper Eyelids

Excess skin on the upper eyelids can make you appear to express certain emotions you are not feeling. Others may think you are tired, sad, or upset when you actually feel happy or indifferent. The upper eyelid lift will improve this by removing excess skin. A forehead lift is another option that will lift the forehead, which may also tighten the upper eyelids. Dr. Khoury will make a full assessment of your facial anatomy to determine whether the sagging is caused by the tissue and muscles of the forehead pushing downward on the brows. Either procedure will create a refreshed appearance that will help your true emotions show through.

Discomfort or Blocked Vision

If your upper eyelids are drooping to the point where they cause discomfort or impede your vision in any way, upper eyelid surgery (or a forehead lift, as mentioned above) will improve it. In some cases, your surgery may be covered by insurance. If your ophthalmologist has determined that you have visual field obstruction and require surgery to correct it, that is all the information the insurance company needs. Dr. Khoury is free to determine the exact procedure and technique that will solve the problem and give you aesthetically pleasing results.  

Puffy Upper Eyelids

If you have a puffy or swollen appearance below your brows, an upper eyelid lift will remove any excess fat and tissue to provide a smooth and natural appearance. The effect will be subtle, without changing the unique characteristics of your eyes that make you recognizable.  

Under-Eye Bags, Droopiness, and Dark Circles

A lower eyelid lift will address bags beneath the eyes, dark under eye circles, and drooping lower eyelids. Sometimes a facelift can also add improvement in this area, but if these few things are your main concern, a lower eyelid lift is likely the best option.

“Crow’s Feet” and Droopy Outer Brows

If smile wrinkles around the eyes, also known as “crow’s feet,” are a concern, a temporal brow lift may be the ideal procedure. It mainly addresses the outer area of the brow nearest the temple to correct minimal sagging and wrinkles; a full brow lift (sometimes referred to as a forehead lift) will lift the entire position of the brow.
If you are interested in any facial sculpting procedure offered by Dr. Edmon Khoury, please call (720) 475-8400 or fill out our online contact form today.

Is a Mini Facelift Right for Me?

We all know that facelifts are designed to correct sagging facial tissue. However, did you know that there is more than one way to perform a facelift? Some varieties of this procedure include the standard facelift, neck lift, and mini facelift. Mini facelifts are becoming more popular as younger patients wish to correct mild facial sagging that cannot be treated using facial fillers. So, you may be wondering whether a mini facelift is right for you.

Facelift Before and After

Mini Facelift vs. Standard Facelift

A standard facelift is designed to correct facial sagging in the cheek and jawline areas. Patients with laxity in these areas usually have moderate to severe facial sagging. To provide the more extensive correction needed, an incision is created in the hairline at each temple that runs down along the ear. Sagging facial muscles and tissue are addressed.

The mini facelift, on the other hand, is ideal for patients with mild facial sagging. This is typically seen as laxity around the jaws and mouth caused by weakened facial muscles. A shorter incision allows the muscles along the jaw to be pulled tight. In many cases, excess skin can be removed.  

Benefits of the Mini Facelift

  • Smaller incisions result in limited scarring
  • Controlled correction of facial sagging
  • Improved definition along the jawline
  • Less facial swelling
  • Faster recovery

Am I a Good Candidate for a Mini Facelift?

Candidates for the mini facelift are in good health and have realistic expectations about their results. They have loose skin or deep folds along the jawline. They require rejuvenation of the jawline and better definition in the neck. Mini facelift candidates are usually under 60 years of age.

A Mini Facelift and a Neck Lift

Patients seeking a mini facelift who have skin laxity along the neck may consider combining a neck lift with their mini facelift. A neck lift will tighten the platysma muscle of the neck and remove excess sagging skin. Combining these two procedures will create better definition between the jawline and neck as well as create a slimmer, more graceful neck appearance.

If you wish to correct aging, sagging skin, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Khoury today. Contact our office at (720) 475-8400 or fill out our online contact form here for additional information.

Achieving Overall Facial Rejuvenation

Improving a specific area of the face is typically done because of a specific facial problem. All procedures are tailored to fit the individual patient’s needs and desires. For many, a single procedure designed for a target area of correction will provide the youthful facial enhancement they desire. However, patients with more extensive aging will more likely have multiple trouble areas. Instead of undergoing multiple procedures separately, you may benefit from combining facial treatments into a single sitting.

Benefits of Combining Procedures  

Saving Time

There is often a three to six week recovery period after most facial procedures. Patients who choose to undergo multiple procedures at different times will require multiple recovery periods. When you combine procedures, you only need to undergo this recovery period once, meaning you can take less time off work and less time away from activities. Due to the use of the laser in most of his procedures, the recovery time is reduced.

Saving Money

While there are some costs associated with combining your procedures, you can avoid the extensive costs of repeat anesthesia and facility fees. When combining procedures, you will only need to pay for the facility and anesthesia once rather than multiple fees each time you go for a new surgery.

Improved Results

If you have extensive facial aging, undergoing a single procedure at a time may affect how you feel about the quality of your results. Your facelift might not look as good as you wanted because you still have heavy, hooded eyes. Rejuvenating your whole facial appearance in one sitting can help you feel more satisfied with your results.

Possibly Combined Facial Procedures


Facelift Before and After PhotosFacelift surgery is designed to correct excess sagging skin of the mid to lower face. Multiple facelift techniques are available depending on where drooping skin occurs and how extensive it is. Facelifts benefit patients who require firmer muscles and the removal of excess skin. However, it doesn’t provide any improvement to the upper face, brows, or eyelids.

Eyelid Lift

Eyelid Lift Before and After PhotosEyelid lift surgery is designed to correct heavy, drooping upper eyelids or puffy lower eyelids that may be contributing to a constantly fatigued or angry expression. Drooping eyelids are frequently caused by the weakening of the tissue that comprises the eyelids. Eyelid lift surgery (upper, lower, or both) removes excess eyelid tissue or fat pads under the eyes that can cause puffiness.  

Neck Lift

Neck Lift Before and After PhotosA neck lift can help create better definition between the neck and jawline as well as help restore a slimmer appearance. Many people fail to realize how significantly an undefined jawline and neck can age your appearance. The neck lift tightens the platysma muscle and removes excess skin to produce a slimmer, more toned appearance. Liposuction may also be used to provide better definition along the jawline and neck.

If you are looking to reverse signs of aging or enhance your facial appearance, schedule your consultation with Dr. Khoury today. Dr. Khoury is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery. His friendly and helpful staff is available to answer any and all of your questions. Please contact us at 720-475-8400 or fill out our online contact form here for additional information.

What’s So Smart About the SmartLift™?

SmartLift™ in Denver, CO

SmartLift™ Denver. COHave you noticed the signs of aging in your face are becoming more apparent? If so, you’re not alone. Various factors, including sun exposure, stress, and gravity, adversely affect the condition of your skin as you get older. As we age, fine lines and wrinkles worsen to form deep creases, and our skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag, which often causes many to lose their self-confidence.

Traditionally, many choose to undergo a facelift or mini-facelift to eliminate these signs of aging and restore a more youthful facial appearance. However, these procedures are invasive and usually require general anesthesia and a longer recovery time.

Advancements in both technology and techniques have given us the ability to perform these traditionally invasive procedures in a less invasive way, including the SmartLift™.

The SmartLift™ is one of the most effective treatments to reverse the signs of aging, and Dr. Khoury is one of only a handful of surgeons in the United States performing this technique.

Benefits of the SmartLift™

The SmartLift™ procedure can address and improve many of problems associated with facial aging. Some of the benefits of the SmartLift™ include:

  • Removes excess fat underneath the chin
  • Reduces wrinkles and folds in the neck
  • Eliminates jowls
  • Improves marionette lines
  • Stimulates the production of collagen
  • Tightens the skin
  • Same benefits as any traditional facelift

Advantages of the SmartLift™

Besides providing long-lasting results, the SmartLift™ offers the following advantages over traditional facelift surgery:

  • Less invasive
  • Shorter operation time
  • Increased safety with local anesthesia, but it can be performed under general anesthesia as well
  • Less discomfort during and after treatment
  • Less bruising and swelling
  • Faster healing and recovery
  • Fewer complications

How the SmartLift™ Is Performed

The SmartLift™ procedure is performed by inserting the Smartlipo™ laser beneath the skin to function as a very precise heated scissor. The heat from the laser also tightens the skin to stimulate the production of collagen, revealing a smoother, more defined, and younger-looking facial appearance.

If you want to achieve a more youthful appearance facial appearance without the consequences that invasive surgical procedures leave behind, we encourage you to contact our Denver practice today. Certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Edmon Khoury has years of experience performing facial plastic surgery procedures, including the SmartLift™ procedure. Please call (720) 475-8400 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your personalized consultation with international facial plastic surgeon Dr. Khoury.

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