
Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

Cosmetic eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, will take years off of one’s appearance and provide an overall refreshed look to the face. The procedure can be performed on either the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, and it is a popular choice for both men and women.

Eyelid Surgery Before and After Photos

Many patients want to improve the areas around their eyes but are unsure if this particular procedure is ideal for the results they desire. Since no two patients are alike, the best assessment will be determined during a face-to-face complimentary consultation with Dr. Khoury. To start, here are a few ways to determine if eyelid surgery may be the right choice for you.

Can You Relate?

Sagging Upper Eyelids

Excess skin on the upper eyelids can make you appear to express certain emotions you are not feeling. Others may think you are tired, sad, or upset when you actually feel happy or indifferent. The upper eyelid lift will improve this by removing excess skin. A forehead lift is another option that will lift the forehead, which may also tighten the upper eyelids. Dr. Khoury will make a full assessment of your facial anatomy to determine whether the sagging is caused by the tissue and muscles of the forehead pushing downward on the brows. Either procedure will create a refreshed appearance that will help your true emotions show through.

Discomfort or Blocked Vision

If your upper eyelids are drooping to the point where they cause discomfort or impede your vision in any way, upper eyelid surgery (or a forehead lift, as mentioned above) will improve it. In some cases, your surgery may be covered by insurance. If your ophthalmologist has determined that you have visual field obstruction and require surgery to correct it, that is all the information the insurance company needs. Dr. Khoury is free to determine the exact procedure and technique that will solve the problem and give you aesthetically pleasing results.  

Puffy Upper Eyelids

If you have a puffy or swollen appearance below your brows, an upper eyelid lift will remove any excess fat and tissue to provide a smooth and natural appearance. The effect will be subtle, without changing the unique characteristics of your eyes that make you recognizable.  

Under-Eye Bags, Droopiness, and Dark Circles

A lower eyelid lift will address bags beneath the eyes, dark under eye circles, and drooping lower eyelids. Sometimes a facelift can also add improvement in this area, but if these few things are your main concern, a lower eyelid lift is likely the best option.

“Crow’s Feet” and Droopy Outer Brows

If smile wrinkles around the eyes, also known as “crow’s feet,” are a concern, a temporal brow lift may be the ideal procedure. It mainly addresses the outer area of the brow nearest the temple to correct minimal sagging and wrinkles; a full brow lift (sometimes referred to as a forehead lift) will lift the entire position of the brow.
If you are interested in any facial sculpting procedure offered by Dr. Edmon Khoury, please call (720) 475-8400 or fill out our online contact form today.

Are My Eyelids Aging My Appearance?

“The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.”

– St. Jerome

Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift Before and AfterSo many emotions can be communicated through our eyes. Without speaking, we tell others that we’re happy, sad, nervous, surprised, or upset. The ability to disguise our true feelings is preferred in some settings, like when playing poker or telling a white lie, but what if our eyes are constantly sending a false message about our age, mood, or health status?

What lies are your eyes telling?

Dark circles, under-eye bags, fine lines, wrinkles, and drooping upper eyelids can all make you look tired, sad, sick, and older than you actually are. With a quick procedure called blepharoplasty, Dr. Khoury can reverse these signs of aging and help you communicate your feelings accurately. Also known as the eyelid lift, blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper and lower eyelids and can also be combined with other facial procedures for an overall balanced look.

Upper Eyelid Lift

Upper Eyelid Lift Before and AfterThe upper eyelid lift addresses sagging skin of the upper eyelids that can sometimes interfere with vision and make you appear chronically sad or tired. The incisions are hidden within the folds of the eyelids and do not leave noticeable scars. The excess skin is removed, and the tissues beneath are adjusted or removed to give your entire face a more alert and refreshed appearance.

Lower Eyelid Lift

The lower eyelid lift, which can be performed alone or with the upper eyelid lift, targets under-eye bags, helps reduce dark circles, and will remove fine lines and wrinkles.

The eyes are truly the “windows to the soul” (Shakespeare), “the mirrors of the mind,” and the first place others look when they speak to you. Choosing to enhance this feature can help you appear younger, healthier, and even happier than you looked before, all while significantly improving your quality of life.

If you would like to learn more about blepharoplasty and whether this procedure is right for you, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Edmond Khoury by calling (720) 475-8400 or by filling out our quick contact form online.

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